Debugging Magento CLI running in Docker container

To debug Magento CLI running in Docker container run the CLI command with following syntax: XDEBUG_CONFIG="remote_enable=1 remote_mode=req remote_port=9000 remote_connect_back=0 idekey=PHPSTORM" PHP_IDE_CONFIG="serverName=Docker" bin/magento

To understand better this construct, let's deconstruct it:

  • XDEBUG_CONFIG= tells interpret, that you're about to inject some variables
  • remote_enable=1 enables the remote debugging
  • remote_mode=req
  • remote_port=9000 port to listen (change if you use different one)
  • remote_connect_back=0
  • idekey=PHPSTORM IDE key to filter connections (change if you use different one)
  • PHP_IDE_CONFIG="serverName=Docker" enables PHPStorm to use specified server setting

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